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Guidelines for The Nature Center Show, 2024


Key Dates:


August 15:  Photos for postcards due to Sally - send your jpg to:


September 9:  Inventory sheets and tags will be available at the meeting.  White tags are for the show, Yellow tags are for the boutique, and Blue tags are for the Presidents' Challenge.  Please sign up for committees and times to sit the show.  Please pick up postcards to distribute to area quilt shops and galleries.


September 29:  Inventory forms are due to Cindy Supe -  Please send in sooner if you can!  Please be sure to list your items for the Show, for the President's Challenge, and for the Boutique.  This step is important as it gives us sufficient time to prepare all of the signs that will accompany your work in the show, and gives the Nature Center time to enter your work into their inventory system.  Click the link below to access the form and instructions.  


October 14:  Submit your items for the Show, Challenge and Boutique during the CQAFA meeting (Note - you may only submit your work this evening - please do not plan to bring it to the installation!).  Please bring 3 copies of your inventory form with you.


October 17:  Show is installed.


October 20:  Pick up your unsold artwork between 4 and 5 pm.


Show Information:


All CQAFA members are strongly encouraged to exhibit their art at this show.  You may submit one piece that is not for sale "NFS" - but additional pieces must be for sale. The Nature Center prefers nature as the subject but also accepts other themes as well. Exhibits can be an older fiber art piece, but must never have been displayed in the past at the Nature Center.  You may display as many fiber art pieces as you wish. (Note that we will be able to display 1 large quilt in the back of the room.)  Pieces may be submitted even if you are unable to attend. 


The Nature Center charges 30% commission.  There are no entry fees for this show, and  the Nature Center does not charge a credit card fee.




Members who have an art piece in the Nature Center Show may also put items for sale into the Boutique.  Note that the Nature Center commission on these works will be 30%.  Your boutique items should reflect your artistic style; they can be totally different from the work you are showing.  Prices must be under $115.  Please note that all artists selling in the boutique must volunteer to be at the boutique during the show.  


Please Volunteer to Help!!


All Members of CQAFA are asked to sign up as volunteers for the Nature Center show.  There are many ways to volunteer, including set up, take down, and staffing the show all three days (front desk, white glove, demonstrations), as well as help in distributing publicity postcards and posters.  And postcards/posters will be distributed at the September CQAFA meeting - we'll need help in getting them to venues all over town.


Links to Forms (click on each item):


Member Handout - CNC 2024


Inventory Form 

Instructions for Inventory Form



Presidents' Challenge


Preparing Your Work for a Show

Hanging Sleeves


How to Run the CNC Show

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